Thursday, August 16, 2007

Maven Plugin for Eclipse

After migrating my whole Project to maven 2.0 I experienced the following problem with the m2eclipse plugin (latest stable relase 0.0.10):
By running goal "site" I got the following error

Failed to configure plugin parameters for: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.3

on the command line, specify: '-DdocletArtifact=VALUE'

Cause: Class name which was explicitly given in configuration using 'implementation' attribute: 'org.apache.maven.plugin.javadoc.options.DocletArtifact' cannot be loaded

First I thought, I did something wrong with my POM. After googling around and trying some different configuration I found out, that the error occurs only when called from within Eclipse. The command Line call worked perfect.
Seemingly this bug is fixed with version 0.0.11. Because Version 0.0.11 is still a Development Version and the Command Line Call works fine, I will NOT validate this statement. I only wrote this Posting, because when googling for the error message I got no help (except a Chinese Site where I got some translational Problems)


Christoph Forster said...

Bug was fixed in Version 0.0.11

3hough said...

Thank you! This post saved me a lot of time and headache..