Monday, January 11, 2010

Setting Environment Variables with Shell Script from within Cygwin

I experienced the Problem that within Cygwin Environment Variables were not set after the script finished even if I called "export".
For Expample the following Shell Script ( didn't work.

after calling the script, there was no error message, but an "ECHO $MY_VARIABLE" didn't output the expected result.
Within Cygwin you have to call the shell script the following way, to persist the resulting variables:

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Local SVN Repository with Eclipse Subversive Plugin

When I tried accessing a local TortoiseSVN Repository with the Subversive Eclipse Plugin (Eclipse 3.4.2 Ganymede) via "file:///..." I got the following Error Message:
svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
svn: Unable to open Repository 'file:///c:/develipment/repository/'
svn: Expected FS format between '1' and '3'; found format '4'

I fixed the problem by downloading the following Plugin-Combination from

  • Subversive Site => Subversive SVN Team Provider Plugin (Incubation) => Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)
  • SVN Connectors Site => Subversive SVN Connectors => Subversive SVN Connectors
  • SVN Connectors Site => Subversive SVN Connectors => SVNKit 1.3.0 Implementation (Optional)
Maybe it's better to download the Plugin one by one, because when selecting all 3 my eclipse didn't finish the downloading process.

If you have allready an installation of Subversive and it still doesn't work have a look at
Windows --> Preferences --> Team --> SVN --> SVN Connector
if you're using SVNKit 1.3.0

Monday, October 20, 2008

Heap Status-Bar in Eclipse

As far as I was googling the third time, how to enable the Heap Statusbar and Garbage Collector in Eclipse I considered to blog it, to avoid a fourth time googling around :-)

Just go to
Windows --> Preferences --> General
enable "Show Heap Status"

That's all folks.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Eclipse WickedShell

Found a nice Eclipse-Plugin which implements the console in Eclipse. It also allows you to "collect" your favourite batch files. Furthermore it supports different console types. For Example you can also use your installed cygwin console.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Change Eclipse Project Nature

In my latest Project I was working with an existing Project, which wasn't develoved in Eclipse, so I checked it out and wondered, how to convert this "simple Project" to a Java Project. Googling around spit out the following recipe:

1. Close your project.
2. Open your project file (which is located in your root directory of the appropriate project) called .project with your default editor. Search for

and change it to

Store the changed file.
3. Open the project again - now it's a java project.

... but there are additional changes which have to be performed:

You have to add


withing the <buildSpec> Tag

Eclipse Platform Extensions

As far as I have "lost" the name of one of my favourite Eclipse-Plugins the last time, I want to make a short link within here to remember it the next time :-).
The Platform is called "Eclipse Platform Extensions" and can be found here.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

next m2eclipse Problem

My Project has the standard Project structure which is recommended by maven.

| |-java
| |-resources
| |-java
| |-resources

under main-resources I have my "real" properties file which has the real mysql-database connection parameters and under test-resources I have a test properties file which points to a in-memory HSQLDB.
When running the JUnit Tests standalone the Test took the test properties file and everything was OK. When running maven with goal Package, the tests failed. I was adding some debug-messages and found out, that maven took the wrong properties file (the "real" properties file).
After a long period of googling around and trying to configure the surefire-plugin I tried to call the target from the console ...

Friday, November 09, 2007

JDK 1.4 - 1.5 Compatibility Problem

It has been the third time, that I experienced problems by migrating a Project from JDK 1.4 to JDK 1.5. Every time I remembered about "a problem" but never remembered what it exactly was.
In this Post I want to sum up these Problems.
Actually I only know one, but it's noteworthy. REALLY :-)
The Problem causes Bigdecimal to work in a different way when using the toString method
Here is the bug report.