Saturday, May 09, 2009

Local SVN Repository with Eclipse Subversive Plugin

When I tried accessing a local TortoiseSVN Repository with the Subversive Eclipse Plugin (Eclipse 3.4.2 Ganymede) via "file:///..." I got the following Error Message:
svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
svn: Unable to open Repository 'file:///c:/develipment/repository/'
svn: Expected FS format between '1' and '3'; found format '4'

I fixed the problem by downloading the following Plugin-Combination from

  • Subversive Site => Subversive SVN Team Provider Plugin (Incubation) => Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)
  • SVN Connectors Site => Subversive SVN Connectors => Subversive SVN Connectors
  • SVN Connectors Site => Subversive SVN Connectors => SVNKit 1.3.0 Implementation (Optional)
Maybe it's better to download the Plugin one by one, because when selecting all 3 my eclipse didn't finish the downloading process.

If you have allready an installation of Subversive and it still doesn't work have a look at
Windows --> Preferences --> Team --> SVN --> SVN Connector
if you're using SVNKit 1.3.0